Express an interest
- Declare your interest in employment, per project consulting or executive placement by sending a resume.
- We will respond to you by phone. If this is not related to employment we will ask at this point if there are any organizations you do not want us to contact.
- If the interest is in per project consulting we will contact you regarding specific opportunities before contacting a third party.
- Depending on the relationship this may involve interviews and/or client interviews.
- As the situation progresses we will communicate changes back to you.
- If there hasn't been contact in the last month we will touch base to understand your current availability.
What you need to do
- Prepare your resume in a printable format (PDF,Word,HTML or text formats) in English. We have some facility in other languages but require the resume to be in English.
- Only send essential personal information and be sure to include your name and how to contact you in the resume, not just your cover letter or e-mail. Include your email, phone, and residence address. Do NOT include your gender, date of birth, age, family status, or personal identification numbers.
- For full-time or per project positions with SwarmPoint please include the names and contact information of 2-3 references. For executive placement these do not need to be provided at the time the resume is sent to us. References can include previous managers, co-workers, faculty advisers, or others who can talk knowledgeably about your skills and abilities. We do not need copies of any written references you already have.
- Submit the resume/CV to recruit@swarmpoint.com